Organic Solutions From Suståne To Be Found In The Purple Zone At BTME, Stand 430

Suståne products at BTME As one of the most comprehensively researched organic fertiliser ranges available in today’s market, a stop by the Suståne stand at BTME 2022 is a must for anybody looking for natural solutions to plant nutrition and soil management. A particular product of interest for Greenkeepers will be Suståne’s BOLSTER® Liquid, with the technical team available to discuss this, and answer any questions across the three days, on stand Purple 430.

BOLSTER® Liquid is a research-backed bio-stimulant, proven to help reduce both abiotic and biotic plant stress. Its balanced formulation, including 5% Iron Chelate, 4% Humic Acid and 2% Seaweed Extract, is suited to a range of applications and has been shown to optimise conditions for seedling and turf establishment. By encouraging root growth and accelerating chlorophyll production, the plant is better prepared to cope with stress factors such as drought, adverse temperatures, parasitic nematodes and some turf diseases.

Also targeted at aiding the plant through periods of stress, particularly greens and tee maintenance or renovations, is Suståne Turf Revival® 6-2-4. Turf Revival® contains Suståne’s unique organic compost base - rich in humus and beneficial microbes – together with water soluble and slow-release sources of Nitrogen to enhance plant recovery without stimulating excessive yield. Ideal as a base granular feed for spring, it produces a quick green-up followed by six to eight weeks of uniform growth and long-lasting colour.

Another product of note, particularly if a wet spring is on the cards, is Soil ReGen®. Soil ReGen® is a soil conditioner that amends the soil to reduce compaction – increasing water, air and nutrient filtration rates. Proven to improve permeability and establishment of seedlings in existing soils, ReGen® also comes into its own during construction and reclamation projects, to supply organic-rich nutrients to disturbed or depleted ground.

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Organic Solutions From Suståne To Be Found In The Purple Zone At BTME, Stand 430